Imagen del logo de la Universidad de Ibagué
Imagen Arte y pensamiento Sistémico

Day 1

12th of july

Morning session
8:00 a 8:15

Opening Statement
Dr. Alfonso Reyes Alvarado
(President of the University of Ibagué).

Dr. Hernán López-Garay
(General Coordinator)

8:15 a 10:15


The relationship between Art and Systems Thinking
Dr. Ramsés Fuenmayor
(University of Los Andes, Mérida)

10:15 a 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 a 12:30

Approaching sustainability: Generative art, complexity,
and systems thinking.

Dr. Aleksandra Dulic
Dr. Miles Thorogood
(University British Columbia).

12:30 a 14:30

Lunch break

Day 1

12th of july

afternoon session
14:00 a 16:00

Workshop on Theatrical Arts and Systems Modeling

14:30 a 16:00


Group 1:

Dr. Alfonso Reyes (MYSCO research group, University of Ibagué)
Dr. Hernán López-Garay (MYSCO research group)
Dr. Miguel Crespo (Systemic Interpretive Research Group, Mexico).

Group 2:

Dr. Raghav Rajagopalan (Center for Business Studies, U. of Hall)
Dr.(c) Julio Mazorco Salas (MYSCO Group, University of Ibagué)
M.A. María Isabel Castillo (MYSCO Group, University of Ibagué)
Dof. Nicolás Varón (Design Program, University of Ibagué)

16:15 a 17:00

Ponderers' Conclusions

Day 2

13th of july

Morning session
8:00 a 10:00

Social presencing theatre (SPT).

Joan O'Donnell
(Maynooth University, Ireland).

10:00 a 10:15

Coffee Break

10:15 a 12:20

Transhumance in La Mojana Region A System Dynamics and Art Perspective

Dra. Edith González Afanador
(National University of Colombia)

12:20 a 14:30

Lunch break

Day 2

13th of july

afternoon session
14:00 a 16:00

Workshop on Theatrical Arts and Systems Modeling

14:30 a 16:00


Group 1:

Dr(c). Daniel Lopera Molano (MYSCO Group, University of Ibagué)
Dr. Alejandro Ochoa (Systemic Thinker, Universidad Austral de Chile)
MSc. Carol Giset Peña (MYSCO Group, University of Ibagué)

Group 2:

Dr. Isaac Dyner (Systemic Thinker, Jorge Tadeo Lozano University)
Dr. Edgar Jimenez (Systemic Thinker, Cranfield University)
Dr. José David Meisel (MYSCO Group, University of Ibagué)

16:15 a 17:00

Ponderers' Conclusions

Day 3

14th of july

Morning session
9:00 a 12:00

Forum: Quo vadis cogitatio systemicus

Forum Participants

Dr. Edgar Ramiro Jiménez Pérez
Dr. Alfonso Reyes Alvarado
Dr(c). Daniel Lopera Molano
M.A. María Isabel Castillo Bohórques


Dr. Tom Scholte
(University of Brtish Columbia, Canada)
Dr. Hernán López-Garay
(MYSCO Group, University of Ibagué)

Enlaces rápidos
Notificaciones judiciales:

Validación de títulos y certificados académicos
Universidad de Ibagué
Carrera 22 - Calle 67
Barrio Ambalá
NIT: 890704382-1
Resolución 1867 de febrero 27 de 1981

PBX: (57+) 608 2795225
Linea gratuita nacional:
01 8000 91 0277

Ibagué, Tolima - Colombia
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